• UA Local 853
    Sprinkler & Fire Protection Trade Centre
  • 60 Performance Drive, Richmond Hill, ON L4S 0G6
  • 905-477-6022 | 1-800-387-7085 (Toll Free)

Website Directory and Index

   — U.A. LOCAL 853 Sprinkler and Fire Protection Trade Centre. United Association of Journeymen and Apprentices of Plumbing and Pipe Fitting Industry of the United States and Canada

Training Centre

MLITSD Apprenticeship Training
   — In Ontario, UA Local 853 is the only Training Delivery Agent (TDA) for sprinkler fitters designed by the MILTSD (Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development). This TDA tracks sprinkler fitter apprentices registered with the government and offers them the opportunity to attend their trade school.

   — Learn how to become an apprentice. Please note that only those submissions which include a transcript and meet the minimum requirements will be accepted.

Apprentice Competitions

Apprentice Spotlight

Skills Competition


Full Course List
   — See our full course list and what's offered now and in the future. You can express interest in a course or be notified when it's offered next.

Course Calendar
   — See a calendar of our full course list and what's offered now and in the future. You can express interest in a course or be notified when it's offered next.

UA Local 853 Members    — U.A. Local 853 Sprinkler and Fire Protection Trade Centre - Members only area, with access to various forms, documents and job listings and more..

Member Login
   — Login to access the Local 853 Members Only Section

About UA Local 853
   — Learn about UA Local 853 Training Centre, who we are, our mission statement and our standard for excellence.

Contact Us
   — View our contact information, mailing address, and way to get in touch with us. Web contact form available.

Privacy Policy
   — U.A. Local 853 Sprinkler and Fire Protection Training Centre, we believe that your personal information deserves protection. Learn more about our Privacy policy.

   — Directory of the U.A. Local 853 Sprinkler and Fire Protection Training Centre website. Find a complete list of internal pages.